“Hope” is the thing with feathers –
That perches in the soul –
And sings the tune without the words –
And never stops – at all –
(Emily Dickinson)
Many young people have a plan for life, or even a dream. But what happens when the plan fails or the dream falls apart? When one suddenly experiences loss? People then often feel an emptiness that is gradually filled again – with anger, melancholy, and pain, but also with quiet thoughts about life and new plans for the future. In a world that keeps pushing us more and more into a certain social norm, it’s often difficult to let such feelings in. Still, perhaps sadness can do us good sometimes? Perhaps sadness can lead to something like hope? Perhaps it would be easier to deal with sadness if one were to imagine it as an animal, like an apathetic poodle, an ill-humored crow, or a wound up parrot?
With: Fiona Beierle, Jan Bührmann, Friederike Buttgereit, Marielle Folerzinski, Konstantin Kujat, Martha Flossmann, Clemens Frings, Lotte Latscha, Magnus Materson, Mira Schleyerbach Directed by: Sandra Rasch Stage and costume design: Kalle Karl Educational support: Fiona Beierle Production assistant: Friederike Walzer Video systems & sound: Tom Kistner Lighting: Jan Langebartels Stage construction: Andreas Maringer Video documentation: Robert Fuhrmann, Hanno Kunow, Marcel Neudeck