Season 2024/25
Superwomen Directed by: Jorinde Dröse
Mord im Regionalexpress  Directed by: Milan Peschel
Metamorphosen des Wassers  Directed by: Frank Raddatz
Musikantenstadl Directed by: Rainald Grebe
Sein oder Nichtsein Directed by: Klaus Pohl
Season 2023/24
Season 2022/23
Schwärmen Directed by: Kirsten Burger
EIN SPORTSTÜCK Directed by: Höhne, Glanz, Kuhlmann, Rieck, Strassenberg, Witt
Billy Backe Directed by: Jorinde Dröse
Anwälte der Natur Directed by: Frank Raddatz
Einer flog über das Kuckucksnest Directed by: Leander Haußmann
Season 2021/22
The Rats (Die Ratten) Directed by: Lilja Rupprecht
Golem Directed by: Jacob Höhne
Mujer Directed by: Sara Lu
Season 2020/21
hoffnung#dasdingmitfedern Directed by: Sandra Rasch
Geh, Fühle! - Tanztheater Directed by: Sandra Rasch/Oana Cirpanu
Der  Drache Directed by: Matthias Mosbach
Season 2019/20
Hi Freaks VI Directed by: div.
Hi Freaks V Directed by: div.
Lulu Directed by: Jacob Höhne
Season 2018/19
Directed by: Sandra Rasch
ghostdance Directed by: Andreas Spechtl & Thomas Köck
Don Juan Directed by: Konrad Wolf
Antigone Directed by: Lilja Rupprecht
Hi Freaks I-IV Directed by: div.
Heroes Directed by: Sara Lu, Rubén Nsue
Rausch Royal Directed by: Jacob Höhne
Noises Off! (Der nackte Wahnsinn) Directed by: Jacob Höhne
Season 2017/18
Dekameron Directed by: Thomas Bo Nilsson, Julian Wolf Eicke
Moby Dick Directed by: Jacob Höhne
Die Frauen vom Meer Directed by: Lilja Rupprecht
Die Nibelungen Directed by: Jonas Sippel
Die Räuber Directed by: Jacob Höhne
Pension Schöller Directed by: Jacob Höhne
Season 2016/17
Schwestern Directed by: Jacob Höhne
König UBU featuring Craque Directed by: Jacob Höhne
DADA Divas Directed by: Gisela Höhne
Der gute Mensch von Downtown Directed by: Gisela Höhne
Philoktet Directed by: Jacob Höhne
RambaZamba Theater Schönhauser Allee 36–39 10435 Berlin
info@rambazamba-theater.de +49 (0)30 585836700
© 2025

Things have finally come to a head: The blue planet has changed color. The last tree has been cut down, the last river has been poisoned, and the last fish has been caught – and the solar system is now home to a brand new desert planet. It took a lot of time and effort, but the Homo sapiens were able to verify the accuracy of the Cree proverb: One cannot eat money. The Homo sapiens tried and the Homo sapiens are now dead. The Earth is not only free of them – it’s also free of every other living creature because there’s no more water left. Not a single drop. “GAIA FOR SALE” it says in bold letters on a sign in the middle of a completely parched landscape.

Other beings in the galaxy can’t help but notice this, and pretty soon a nomadic alien tour group arrives – with a colonial-like attitude. For them, the end of humanity offers an opportunity to acquire property and settle down for good: “It’s a fuckin’ party, let’s have some fuckin’ techno!” There’s no better place for this than the remains of a theater. But what’s this? Someone’s still here. Styx, the river of the dead, flows through the tinsel on the stage and speaks and speaks and doesn’t stop speaking. Unless one of its tributaries can contain it, that is. That would be Kokytos or Lethe, which are just as dried up as the main river. A few dead – the “Bones” – are also still around. That’s all those who couldn’t be sent across the river because there was no water left in it. Now there is a problem – namely who does this damn planet belong to? And who has a right to the natural resources when there’s no longer enough for everyone?

The world flames like a discokugel (styx spricht) is the first drama written together by actress and author Mateja Meded and playwright Thomas Köck. The play was created within the framework of a partnership between RambaZamba, the AnthropoScenes project, and the AnthropoScenes Theater. The AnthropoScenes project is funded by Germany’s Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the City of Berlin via the Berlin University Alliance as part of the Excellence Strategy program in Germany.

The masks in the production were made by the Werkstattkollektiv Berlin workshop collective using sculptures created by Eberhard Pastow.

With Artemis Chalkidou, Grit Burmeister, Friedrich-Ferdinand Dambeck, Joachim Neumann, Sebastian Urbanski, Moritz Höhne, Hieu Pham, Eva Fuchs, Heiko Fechner, Anil Merickan, Robin Gehlhar, Vincent Köhler, Leo Solter
Directed by Jacob Höhne Stage design Jacob Höhne Costume design & make-up Beatrix Brandler Choreography Sara Lu Music Leo Solter Lighting Andrei Albu So& Fatemeh Ghasamipour Dramaturgy Frank Raddatz Assistant director Vicki Steinmüller Assistance with concept and adaptation Joy von Wienskowski Director intern Clara Kampmann
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„Und die Spieler:innen von RambaZama: Sie sind in super Form. Viel Physical Theatre ist dabei, Revue-Nummern von schönster, beißender Harmonie.“ Stephanie Drees, nachtkritik.de 

„Regisseur und Theaterintendant Jacob Höhne hebt in seiner direkten, bildhaften Regie die Tragik des versandeten Planten auf minimalistische Bühne. Ein eingespieltes Ensemble bringt den brandaktuellen Stoff zu Punk-Rock-Sound zum Brodeln. Fazit: „Hitzige“ Theatererfahrung mit vielschichtigem Mehrwert, hoffentlich auch hierzulande zu sehen.“ Tina Perisutti, Kronenzeitung (Österreich)