Season 2024/25
Superwomen Directed by: Jorinde Dröse
Mord im Regionalexpress  Directed by: Milan Peschel
Metamorphosen des Wassers  Directed by: Frank Raddatz
Musikantenstadl Directed by: Rainald Grebe
Sein oder Nichtsein Directed by: Klaus Pohl
Season 2023/24
Season 2022/23
Schwärmen Directed by: Kirsten Burger
EIN SPORTSTÜCK Directed by: Höhne, Glanz, Kuhlmann, Rieck, Strassenberg, Witt
Billy Backe Directed by: Jorinde Dröse
Anwälte der Natur Directed by: Frank Raddatz
Einer flog über das Kuckucksnest Directed by: Leander Haußmann
Season 2021/22
The Rats (Die Ratten) Directed by: Lilja Rupprecht
Golem Directed by: Jacob Höhne
Mujer Directed by: Sara Lu
Season 2020/21
hoffnung#dasdingmitfedern Directed by: Sandra Rasch
Geh, Fühle! - Tanztheater Directed by: Sandra Rasch/Oana Cirpanu
Der  Drache Directed by: Matthias Mosbach
Season 2019/20
Hi Freaks VI Directed by: div.
Hi Freaks V Directed by: div.
Lulu Directed by: Jacob Höhne
Season 2018/19
Directed by: Sandra Rasch
ghostdance Directed by: Andreas Spechtl & Thomas Köck
Don Juan Directed by: Konrad Wolf
Antigone Directed by: Lilja Rupprecht
Hi Freaks I-IV Directed by: div.
Heroes Directed by: Sara Lu, Rubén Nsue
Rausch Royal Directed by: Jacob Höhne
Noises Off! (Der nackte Wahnsinn) Directed by: Jacob Höhne
Season 2017/18
Dekameron Directed by: Thomas Bo Nilsson, Julian Wolf Eicke
Moby Dick Directed by: Jacob Höhne
Die Frauen vom Meer Directed by: Lilja Rupprecht
Die Nibelungen Directed by: Jonas Sippel
Die Räuber Directed by: Jacob Höhne
Pension Schöller Directed by: Jacob Höhne
Season 2016/17
Schwestern Directed by: Jacob Höhne
König UBU featuring Craque Directed by: Jacob Höhne
DADA Divas Directed by: Gisela Höhne
Der gute Mensch von Downtown Directed by: Gisela Höhne
Philoktet Directed by: Jacob Höhne
RambaZamba Theater Schönhauser Allee 36–39 10435 Berlin
info@rambazamba-theater.de +49 (0)30 585836700
© 2025

We’re going to die! There: Now it’s been said. Although most of us are able to suppress thoughts of our own mortality most of the time, a global virus certainly does the trick in terms of bringing even the most gifted denier of death back down to earth. On the other hand, isn’t it the case that the gods envy our mortality? Argan, the imaginary invalid in this production, is one of those who refuses to accept his mortality. He feels that he’s been left alone with his fear of death, and he has decided to pin his hopes on the supposed positive effects of enemas and blood-letting. Still, we can be encouraged by the fact that as long as we continue to fear death, we know that we’re still alive. “The Imaginary Invalid” was performed for the first time in 1673, and in a macabre twist of fate, Molière, who played the invalid himself, suffered severe internal bleeding during the fourth performance and died while still in his costume.

Our musical version of this great comedy (our “inclusical”) offers a bizarre and preposterous depiction of luminous love and laughing death in the form of a pop opera.

Produced with the support of the Capital Cultural Fund and funding from the City of Berlin, Senate Administration for Culture and Europe. 

With Moritz Höhne, Christian Behrend, Lioba Breitsprecher, Eva Fuchs, Tobias Kreßmann, Hieu Pham, Anil Merickan, Joachim Neumann, Zora Schemm, Nele Winkler, Michael Wittsack, Leo Solter, Claudia Graue, Dietmar H. Heddram
Music Micha Kaplan Stage design Gero Kindermann Costume design Beatrix Brandler Video Alexander du Prel Dramaturgy Steffen Sünkel Musical supervision and preparation Johanna Peine Technical director Jan Langebartels Assistant directors Jana Prigge, Vicki Steinmüller Director intern Charlotte Kachelmann
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„Beleuchtet in kräftigen Farben und mit Videofilmen als Rundumprojektion, die sowohl entfernte Vogelschwärme als auch nahe gerückte Viruslasten sein können, bringt das putzmuntere Ensemble dieses Spiel vom Leben und Sterben, von Existenzangst und Todesfurcht in beherzt choreografierte und lustvoll genossene Beschleunigung.“ Irene Bazinger, MOZ